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World of Outlaws Federated Auto Parts Gettysburg Clash
Lincoln Speedway (PA) | Abbottstown, PA
Wednesday, May 08, 2024
Feature Results
1102David Gravel 350.00035Running150$12,000
24+218Giovanni Scelzi 35-1.252Running146$8,000
32-141Carson Macedo 35-2.692Running144$5,000
46+239MAnthony Macri 35-3.447Running142$3,200
57+215Donny Schatz 35-4.506Running140$2,800
612+617Sheldon Haudenschild 35-5.569Running138$2,600
73-483Michael Kofoid 35-7.447Running136$2,400
810+227Troy Wagaman Jr.35-8.251Running134$2,300
924+1548Danny Dietrich 35-8.635Running132$2,200
108-22DChase Dietz 35-8.929Running130$2,000
1114+31SLogan Schuchart 35-10.000Running128$1,800
1216+45Tyler Ross 35-10.031Running126$1,600
1315+2XMatt Campbell 35-10.604Running124$1,400
1422+823Devon Borden 35-11.430Running122$1,200
1523+875Cameron Smith 34-1 LapsRunning120$1,200
1618+217NDylan Norris 34-1 LapsRunning118$1,200
1720+31XChad Trout 34-1 LapsRunning116$1,200
1811-75WLucas Wolfe 34-1 LapsRunning114$1,200
1917-28Freddie Rahmer 28-7 LapsDNF112$1,200
205-1595Kody Hartlaub 27-8 LapsDNF110$1,200
219-1217BBill Balog 25-10 LapsDNF108$1,200
2213-999MKyle Moody 22-13 LapsDNF106$1,200
2319-48DBilly Dietrich 18-17 LapsDNF104$1,200
2421-388Brandon Rahmer 14-21 LapsDNF102$1,200
KSE Hard Charger: Danny Dietrich
Last Chance Showdown 1 Results
11088Brandon Rahmer 130.00013Running0$0
22023Devon Borden 13-0.375Running0$0
34+175Cameron Smith 13-1.433Running0$0
43-148Danny Dietrich 13-1.971Running0$0
56+170Kraig Kinser 13-2.966Running90$500
610+491Kyle Reinhardt 13-3.181Running90$400
712+566Ryan Newton 13-3.729Running90$350
88088JTony Jackson 13-4.489Running90$300
913+46Bill Rose 13-5.250Running90$300
1015+567JJ Loss 13-5.426Running90$300
1116+555Dallas Schott 13-5.921Running90$200
1214+239Callum Williamson 13-6.190Running90$200
139-43ZBrock Zearfoss 13-6.721Running90$200
1417+33John Jerich 13-7.158Running90$200
157-87SLandon Crawley 13-7.746Running90$200
165-115EAaron Bollinger 4-9 LapsDNF90$200
1711-611PT.J. Stutts 4-9 LapsDNF90$200
Dash 1 Results
14+32David Gravel 60.0001Running0$0
21-141Carson Macedo 6-0.0215Running0$0
33083Michael Kofoid 6-1.322Running0$0
46+218Giovanni Scelzi 6-2.915Running0$0
52-395Kody Hartlaub 6-3.496Running0$0
65-139MAnthony Macri 6-4.660Running0$0
77015Donny Schatz 6-5.197Running0$0
8802DChase Dietz 6-6.029Running0$0
Heat 1 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
11015Donny Schatz 80.0008Running
22095Kody Hartlaub 8-2.700Running
34+117BBill Balog 8-3.749Running
43-199MKyle Moody 8-4.734Running
57+28Freddie Rahmer 8-5.990Running
65-123Devon Borden 8-7.495Running
76-170Kraig Kinser 8-9.421Running
88091Kyle Reinhardt 8-9.997Running
99039Callum Williamson 8-10.962Running
101003John Jerich 7-1 LapsRunning
Heat 2 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
1102David Gravel 80.0008Running
22018Giovanni Scelzi 8-1.622Running
34+127Troy Wagaman Jr.8-4.569Running
43-11SLogan Schuchart 8-5.574Running
57+217NDylan Norris 8-6.774Running
69+348Danny Dietrich 8-7.655Running
76-17SLandon Crawley 8-9.528Running
85-311PT.J. Stutts 8-10.489Running
98-167JJ Loss 8-11.174Running
Heat 3 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
11039MAnthony Macri 80.0008Running
2202DChase Dietz 8-1.121Running
36+35WLucas Wolfe 8-2.420Running
47+3XMatt Campbell 8-2.470Running
53-28DBilly Dietrich 8-3.202Running
65-175Cameron Smith 8-3.954Running
79+288JTony Jackson 8-4.846Running
88066Ryan Newton 8-5.417Running
94-588Brandon Rahmer 5-3 LapsDNF
Heat 4 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
11041Carson Macedo 80.0008Running
23+183Michael Kofoid 8-0.930Running
34+117Sheldon Haudenschild 8-1.716Running
46+25Tyler Ross 8-2.763Running
52-31XChad Trout 8-5.521Running
68+25EAaron Bollinger 8-6.092Running
7703ZBrock Zearfoss 8-7.156Running
85-36Bill Rose 8-7.524Running
99055Dallas Schott 8-9.193Running
Qualifying Flight 1 Results
1715Donny Schatz Fargo, ND13.4970.000
2302David Gravel Watertown, CT13.531-0.034
3539MAnthony Macri Dillsburg, PA13.572-0.075
42441Carson Macedo Lemoore, CA13.623-0.126
51295Kody Hartlaub East Berlin, PA13.677-0.180
61818Giovanni Scelzi Fresno, CA13.691-0.194
7132DChase Dietz York, PA13.709-0.212
8271XChad Trout Dover, PA13.712-0.215
91199MKyle Moody Lewisberry, PA13.731-0.234
1061SLogan Schuchart Hanover, PA13.750-0.253
11158DBilly Dietrich Bilgerville, PA13.787-0.290
122683Michael Kofoid Penngrove, CA13.797-0.300
132817BBill Balog North Pole, AK13.800-0.303
143227Troy Wagaman Jr.Hanover, PA13.834-0.337
15288Brandon Rahmer Salfordville, PA13.842-0.345
162117Sheldon Haudenschild Wooster, OH13.842-0.345
172023Devon Borden Raymond, WA13.845-0.348
181911PT.J. Stutts Liverpool, PA13.846-0.349
193575Cameron Smith Spring Grove, PA13.849-0.352
2016Bill Rose Plainfield, IN13.862-0.365
21970Kraig Kinser Bloomington, IN13.868-0.371
22257SLandon Crawley Benton, AR13.870-0.373
2335WLucas Wolfe Mechanicsburg, PA13.881-0.384
24165Tyler Ross Lincoln University, PA13.889-0.392
25108Freddie Rahmer Salfordville, PA13.898-0.401
261417NDylan Norris Hanover, PA13.931-0.434
2717XMatt Campbell Fawn Grove, PA13.933-0.436
28223ZBrock Zearfoss Jonestown, PA13.960-0.463
292391Kyle Reinhardt Neptune City, NJ13.971-0.474
30867JJ Loss Hanover, PA13.998-0.501
31466Ryan Newton , 14.022-0.525
32295EAaron Bollinger Elverson, PA14.026-0.529
333339Callum Williamson Geraldton, WAU14.049-0.552
343148Danny Dietrich Gettysburg, PA14.071-0.574
353788JTony Jackson Newville, PA14.265-0.768
363455Dallas Schott Myerstown, PA14.289-0.792
37363John Jerich Worthington, PA14.857-1.360
Hot Laps Results
13227Troy Wagaman Jr.Hanover, PA13.5940.000
2302David Gravel Watertown, CT13.597-0.003
32441Carson Macedo Lemoore, CA13.607-0.013
42683Michael Kofoid Penngrove, CA13.619-0.025
5271XChad Trout Dover, PA13.706-0.112
62023Devon Borden Raymond, WA13.795-0.201
71295Kody Hartlaub East Berlin, PA13.833-0.239
83148Danny Dietrich Gettysburg, PA13.869-0.275
93575Cameron Smith Spring Grove, PA13.887-0.293
101818Giovanni Scelzi Fresno, CA13.902-0.308
11132DChase Dietz York, PA13.913-0.319
122817BBill Balog North Pole, AK13.925-0.331
1317XMatt Campbell Fawn Grove, PA13.927-0.333
142117Sheldon Haudenschild Wooster, OH13.928-0.334
15295EAaron Bollinger Elverson, PA13.940-0.346
161911PT.J. Stutts Liverpool, PA13.956-0.362
17158DBilly Dietrich Bilgerville, PA13.971-0.377
18165Tyler Ross Lincoln University, PA13.990-0.396
19223ZBrock Zearfoss Jonestown, PA13.997-0.403
20257SLandon Crawley Benton, AR14.054-0.460
211417NDylan Norris Hanover, PA14.056-0.462
222391Kyle Reinhardt Neptune City, NJ14.056-0.462
23970Kraig Kinser Bloomington, IN14.064-0.470
24108Freddie Rahmer Salfordville, PA14.069-0.475
251199MKyle Moody Lewisberry, PA14.071-0.477
26539MAnthony Macri Dillsburg, PA14.148-0.554
273788JTony Jackson Newville, PA14.282-0.688
283455Dallas Schott Myerstown, PA14.296-0.702
293339Callum Williamson Geraldton, WAU14.340-0.746
30715Donny Schatz Fargo, ND14.349-0.755
31466Ryan Newton , 14.507-0.913
3261SLogan Schuchart Hanover, PA14.575-0.981
33867JJ Loss Hanover, PA14.617-1.023
34288Brandon Rahmer Salfordville, PA14.625-1.031
3516Bill Rose Plainfield, IN14.738-1.144
3635WLucas Wolfe Mechanicsburg, PA14.858-1.264
37363John Jerich Worthington, PA15.020-1.426
Event Info  

World of Outlaws Federated Auto Parts Gettysburg Clash

Wednesday, May 8th to Wednesday, May 8th

Lincoln Speedway (PA)

800 Racetrack Rd

Abbottstown, PA, 17301

Event Description
The World of Outlaws vs. PA Posse battle resumes in the Gettysburg Clash - the first race of 2024 in Posse Country comes at the famed Abbottstown track.
Series Racing
World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series
To Win Amount

Event Schedule

2:00 PM: Pit gates open
5:00 PM: Grandstand gates open
6:30 PM: Hot laps/qualifying with opening ceremonies and racing to follow

**Schedule Is Tentative And Subject To Change**

*All times Eastern

Ticket Options  
Ticket Phone
(844) 347-8849
Options And Prices

Adult Reserved: Advance $40 / $45 Day of
Adult GA: Advance $35 / $40 Day of
Child GA: (6-12): $10

Grandstand Type
Reserved Seating
Sections A - I, Rows F - J Section 1, Top 5 Rows
Family Section Location
Handicapped Seating Location
Accessible seating is available in the turn one stands.
Pit Pass Price

Pit Upgrade Adult: $10
Pit Upgrade Child: $35

Pit Age Requirement
There is not an age limit for the pit area at this event. Minors aged 17 and younger must submit a fully-executed minor “Parental Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement/Minor's Assumption of Risk and Release and Waiver of Liability.” These will be available at the Pit Ticket Windows.
Parking Cost
Camping Availability

Non-electric, On-site

Camping Cost

Camping $25 in the overflow lot

Frequently Asked Questions  
To Win Amount
Reserved Seating
Sections A - I, Rows F - J Section 1, Top 5 Rows
Type of Grandstand
Stadium Seating
Seat cushions are permitted to use in the grandstand seating.
Spectators sitting in the infield may bring in a lawn chair
Handicapped Seating
Accessible seating is available in the turn one stands.
Pit Age Limit
There is not an age limit for the pit area at this event. Minors aged 17 and younger must submit a fully-executed minor “Parental Consent, Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement/Minor's Assumption of Risk and Release and Waiver of Liability.” These will be available at the Pit Ticket Windows.
Personal Coolers
Yes, coolers no bigger than 18 inches are allowed to be brought in.
Alcohol Sales
Fans 21 and older may possess and consume alcohol inside the speedway gates. Please NO GLASS BOTTLES.

Smoking Policy
Smoking (E-Cigs included) is not permitted in the grandstand or within 15 feet of any concession stand.
Family Section
Parking Cost
Camping Availability

Non-electric, On-site

Camping Cost

Camping $25 in the overflow lot

Track Info  

Lincoln Speedway (PA)

800 Racetrack Rd

Abbottstown, PA, 17301

Track Phone
(717) 624-2755
Ticket Phone
(844) 347-8849
Track Size
Closest Airport
Harrisburg International Airport
Other Airport
Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
Track Map
Competitor Info  

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