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Federated Auto Parts DIRTcar Nationals
Volusia Speedway Park | Barberville, FL
Saturday, February 08, 2025
Feature Results
14+357Kyle Larson 300.00026Running150$20,000
25+31SLogan Schuchart 30-0.688Running146$10,000
32-12David Gravel 30-1.2474Running144$5,500
410+641Carson Macedo 30-3.500Running142$4,500
51-47BCTyler Courtney 30-3.710Running140$4,000
619+1310Ryan Timms 30-4.425Running138$3,500
712+515Donny Schatz 30-5.374Running136$3,000
86-283Michael Kofoid 30-6.607Running134$2,800
98-171Parker Price-Miller 30-6.875Running132$2,600
1011+126Justin Peck 30-7.735Running130$2,400
119-23ZBrock Zearfoss 30-8.636Running128$2,200
1216+424DDanny Sams III30-9.421Running126$2,000
1320+748Danny Dietrich 30-9.653Running124$1,800
1414049Brad Sweet 30-10.106Running122$1,750
157-821Brian Brown 30-10.969Running120$1,700
1625+918Giovanni Scelzi 30-11.586Running118$550
171701AJacob Allen 30-12.214Running116$1,600
1824+688Austin McCarl 30-14.167Running114$1,500
1915-45Brenham Crouch 30-19.914Running112$1,500
2018-217Sheldon Haudenschild 29-1 LapsRunning110$1,500
2123+27SChris Windom 29-1 LapsRunning108$1,500
2226+46Zach Hampton 29-1 LapsRunning106$200
2321-223Garet Williamson 29-1 LapsRunning104$1,500
2427+355Hunter Schuerenberg 29-1 LapsRunning102$200
2513-1239MAnthony Macri 20-10 LapsDNF102$1,500
2622-428Conner Morrell 20-10 LapsDNF102$1,500
273-2417BBill Balog 1-29 LapsDNF102$1,500
KSE Hard Charger: Ryan Timms
Last Chance Showdown 1 Results
11023Garet Williamson 120.00012Running0$0
22028Conner Morrell 12-1.031Running0$0
35+27SChris Windom 12-2.122Running0$0
46+288Austin McCarl 12-2.529Running0$0
53-227Emerson Axsom 12-3.196Running90$500
67+118Giovanni Scelzi 12-3.823Running0$0
78+19Kasey Kahne 12-4.136Running90$350
814+62CCole Macedo 12-5.154Running90$300
94-511TT.J. Stutts 12-5.168Running90$300
1011+144Chris Martin 12-5.719Running90$300
1112+16Zach Hampton 12-6.114Running0$0
1210-213Daison Pursley 12-6.686Running90$200
1316+355Hunter Schuerenberg 12-6.968Running0$0
149-532Bryce Lucius 12-7.216Running90$200
1513-236Jason Martin 12-7.307Running90$200
1618+299Skylar Gee 12-7.730Running90$200
1717016TBrady Bacon 12-8.040Running90$200
1815-315KCreed Kemenah 12-8.790Running90$200
Dash 1 Results
1107BCTyler Courtney 60.0006Running0$0
23+12David Gravel 6-0.796Running0$0
32-117BBill Balog 6-2.209Running0$0
45+157Kyle Larson 6-2.728Running0$0
58+31SLogan Schuchart 6-3.681Running0$0
64-283Michael Kofoid 6-4.636Running0$0
76-121Brian Brown 6-5.760Running0$0
87-171Parker Price-Miller 6-7.008Running0$0
C Main Results
11016TBrady Bacon 100.00010Running0$0
22099Skylar Gee 10-2.487Running0$0
33064Andy Pake 10-3.195Running90$150
44012XKameron Key 10-4.504Running90$150
513+897UKRyan Harrison 10-5.582Running90$150
66034Sterling Cling 10-7.164Running90$125
78+116GAustyn Gossel 10-7.606Running90$125
87-16GBryan Gossel 10-9.243Running90$125
95-40D.J. Christie 10-12.531Running90$125
109-177TTyeller Powless 10-13.619Running90$125
1110-117GPLandon Crawley 0-10 LapsDNS90$125
1211-116THKevin Newton 0-10 LapsDNS90$125
1312-169KChristopher Bell 0-10 LapsDNS90$125
Heat 1 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
1101SLogan Schuchart 80.0008Running
22083Michael Kofoid 8-1.976Running
34+13ZBrock Zearfoss 8-3.280Running
43-139MAnthony Macri 8-3.959Running
56+11AJacob Allen 8-5.427Running
65-127Emerson Axsom 8-6.461Running
7707SChris Windom 8-9.068Running
88032Bryce Lucius 8-10.488Running
910+136Jason Martin 8-10.544Running
1011+116TBrady Bacon 8-11.953Running
1113+20D.J. Christie 8-14.720Running
1212077TTyeller Powless 7-1 LapsRunning
139-497UKRyan Harrison 0-8 LapsDNS
Heat 2 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
11057Kyle Larson 80.0007Running
2207BCTyler Courtney 8-0.2861Running
37+426Justin Peck 8-2.479Running
45+15Brenham Crouch 8-3.864Running
53-210Ryan Timms 8-5.144Running
64-223Garet Williamson 8-6.930Running
76-118Giovanni Scelzi 8-8.067Running
88044Chris Martin 8-9.732Running
910+115KCreed Kemenah 8-11.009Running
1011+164Andy Pake 8-12.172Running
119-26GBryan Gossel 8-14.635Running
1212016THKevin Newton 8-15.835Running
Heat 3 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
1102David Gravel 80.0008Running
23+121Brian Brown 8-2.602Running
32-141Carson Macedo 8-3.315Running
45+149Brad Sweet 8-3.977Running
54-117Sheldon Haudenschild 8-4.761Running
611+511TT.J. Stutts 8-6.910Running
76-188Austin McCarl 8-7.414Running
87-113Daison Pursley 8-8.324Running
98-12CCole Macedo 8-8.998Running
1012+299Skylar Gee 8-10.543Running
119-234Sterling Cling 8-11.205Running
1210-217GPLandon Crawley 8-13.063Running
Heat 4 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
11017BBill Balog 80.0001Running
22071Parker Price-Miller 8-0.0786Running
34+115Donny Schatz 8-0.8341Running
43-124DDanny Sams III8-1.739Running
59+448Danny Dietrich 8-2.958Running
65-128Conner Morrell 8-4.174Running
76-19Kasey Kahne 8-4.178Running
87-16Zach Hampton 8-5.291Running
98-155Hunter Schuerenberg 8-5.807Running
1011+112XKameron Key 8-6.551Running
1110-116GAustyn Gossel 8-7.827Running
1212069KChristopher Bell 5-3 LapsDNF
Qualifying Flight 1 Results
161SLogan Schuchart Hanover, PA13.2150.000
21957Kyle Larson Elk Grove, CA13.292-0.077
31183Michael Kofoid Penngrove, CA13.356-0.141
477BCTyler Courtney Indianapolis, IN13.360-0.145
5839MAnthony Macri Dillsburg, PA13.384-0.169
62110Ryan Timms Oklahoma City, OK13.393-0.178
793ZBrock Zearfoss Jonestown, PA13.403-0.188
81723Garet Williamson Columbia, MO13.490-0.275
92227Emerson Axsom Franklin, IN13.497-0.282
10135Brenham Crouch Lubbock, TX13.497-0.282
11161AJacob Allen Hanover, PA13.522-0.307
122018Giovanni Scelzi Fresno, CA13.538-0.323
1327SChris Windom Canton, IL13.542-0.327
141026Justin Peck Monrovia, IN13.570-0.355
15532Bryce Lucius Findlay, OH13.638-0.423
16444Chris Martin Ankeny, IA13.665-0.450
171497UKRyan Harrison Rothwell, NTH13.709-0.494
18156GBryan Gossel Windsor, CO13.756-0.541
19336Jason Martin Lincoln, NE13.791-0.576
202415KCreed Kemenah Alvada, OH13.890-0.675
212516TBrady Bacon Broken Arrow, OK13.916-0.701
22164Andy Pake Felton, MN13.979-0.764
231277TTyeller Powless Ohsweken, ON14.003-0.788
241816THKevin Newton Terre Haute, IN14.171-0.956
25230D.J. Christie Beachville, ON14.562-1.347
Qualifying Flight 2 Results
1142David Gravel Watertown, CT13.3190.000
22417BBill Balog North Pole, AK13.475-0.156
3841Carson Macedo Lemoore, CA13.489-0.170
41671Parker Price-Miller Kokomo, IN13.495-0.176
51021Brian Brown Higginsville, MO13.507-0.188
61224DDanny Sams IIINorth Port, FL13.532-0.213
7517Sheldon Haudenschild Wooster, OH13.549-0.230
81515Donny Schatz Fargo, ND13.639-0.320
9249Brad Sweet Grass Valley, CA13.665-0.346
10728Conner Morrell Bradenton, FL13.689-0.370
11688Austin McCarl Altoona, IA13.713-0.394
1249Kasey Kahne Enumclaw, WA13.744-0.425
131913Daison Pursley Locust Grove, OK13.753-0.434
1436Zach Hampton Mooresville, IN13.797-0.478
1592CCole Macedo Lemoore, CA13.809-0.490
161355Hunter Schuerenberg Sikeston, MO13.869-0.550
171134Sterling Cling Tempe, AZ13.919-0.600
181748Danny Dietrich Gettysburg, PA13.940-0.621
191817GPLandon Crawley Benton, AR13.943-0.624
202216GAustyn Gossel Windsor, CO13.995-0.676
212111TT.J. Stutts Liverpool, PA14.050-0.731
222312XKameron Key Warrensburg, MO14.083-0.764
23199Skylar Gee Leduc, AB60.000-46.681
242069KChristopher Bell Norman, OK60.100-46.781
Hot Laps Results
11957Kyle Larson Elk Grove, CA13.3870.000
22018Giovanni Scelzi Fresno, CA13.609-0.222
32227Emerson Axsom Franklin, IN13.661-0.274
41723Garet Williamson Columbia, MO13.702-0.315
52110Ryan Timms Oklahoma City, OK13.709-0.322
6161AJacob Allen Hanover, PA13.756-0.369
7135Brenham Crouch Lubbock, TX13.837-0.450
82516TBrady Bacon Broken Arrow, OK13.897-0.510
91497UKRyan Harrison Rothwell, NTH13.915-0.528
101026Justin Peck Monrovia, IN13.946-0.559
111183Michael Kofoid Penngrove, CA13.951-0.564
12230D.J. Christie Beachville, ON13.951-0.564
13156GBryan Gossel Windsor, CO13.970-0.583
142415KCreed Kemenah Alvada, OH14.012-0.625
1577BCTyler Courtney Indianapolis, IN14.078-0.691
161816THKevin Newton Terre Haute, IN14.114-0.727
17839MAnthony Macri Dillsburg, PA14.145-0.758
1861SLogan Schuchart Hanover, PA14.220-0.833
19532Bryce Lucius Findlay, OH14.279-0.892
2093ZBrock Zearfoss Jonestown, PA14.281-0.894
211277TTyeller Powless Ohsweken, ON14.345-0.958
2227SChris Windom Canton, IL14.386-0.999
23444Chris Martin Ankeny, IA14.416-1.029
24164Andy Pake Felton, MN14.522-1.135
25336Jason Martin Lincoln, NE14.646-1.259
Lock-In Hot Laps Results
114+132David Gravel 00.000Running0$0
216+1471Parker Price-Miller 0-0.123Running0$0
35+217Sheldon Haudenschild 0-0.164Running0$0
48+441Carson Macedo 0-0.169Running0$0
512+724DDanny Sams III0-0.185Running0$0
62-449Brad Sweet 0-0.220Running0$0
720+1369KChristopher Bell 0-0.229Running0$0
815+715Donny Schatz 0-0.292Running0$0
910+121Brian Brown 0-0.298Running0$0
106-488Austin McCarl 0-0.325Running0$0
117-428Conner Morrell 0-0.351Running0$0
1219+713Daison Pursley 0-0.356Running0$0
1324+1117BBill Balog 0-0.368Running0$0
144-109Kasey Kahne 0-0.374Running0$0
1513-255Hunter Schuerenberg 0-0.455Running0$0
1618+217GPLandon Crawley 0-0.531Running0$0
173-146Zach Hampton 0-0.549Running0$0
189-92CCole Macedo 0-0.600Running0$0
191-1899Skylar Gee 0-0.609Running0$0
2017-348Danny Dietrich 0-0.646Running0$0
2123+212XKameron Key 0-0.783Running0$0
2221-111TT.J. Stutts 0-0.829Running0$0
2322-116GAustyn Gossel 0-0.966Running0$0
2411-1334Sterling Cling 013.484DNS0$0
Event Info  

Federated Auto Parts DIRTcar Nationals

Tuesday, February 4th to Saturday, February 15th

Volusia Speedway Park

1500 East State Road 40

Barberville, FL, 32130

Event Description

Kick off the racing season with three thrilling weeks of racing in Florida at the "World's Fastest Half-Mile," Volusia Speedway Park!

Week 1 (Jan. 30-Feb. 1): American Sprint Car Series National Tour and DIRTcar UMP Modifieds

Week 2: DIRTcar UMP Modifieds (Feb. 3-8), World of Outlaws Sprint Cars (Feb. 5-8)

Week 3: DIRTcar Late Models (Feb. 10-12), USAC Non-Wing Sprint Cars (Feb. 10-11), Super DIRTcar Series (Feb. 12-15), World of Outlaws Late Models (Feb. 13-15)

World of Outlaws Sprint Cars & Late Models: $12K, $12K, $20K to win!

Series Racing
World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series
To Win Amount

Event Schedule

See Full Schedule

*All times Eastern

Ticket Options  

In order to receive the FREE FAN PIT PASS you must buy a multi-day ticket package by November 30th, 2024

Grandstand Type
Bleachers, Chairbacks
Reserved Seating
Sections 205-207 - All Seats Sections 5-10 - Row 14 & Above Sections 12-15 - Row 6 & Above
Handicapped Seating Location
All Handicap seating is the first rows of each section
Pit Age Requirement
There is no age restriction in the pits. Anyone 17 years of age or younger will need to fill out a minor waiver form and be accompanied by an adult.
Pit Gate Location
East or West side of the Track.
Parking Cost
General Parking Free
Handicapped Parking Location
Handicap parking spots available. All spots are first come first serve.
Camping Availability
Electric Hookup, Non-Electric, Onsite, Sanitary Facility, Showers
Camping Cost

Single Day Dry Camp $30
Single Day Water/Electric $75 (Special Event $80)
Single Day Full Hook Up $100
Weekend Dry Camp $90
Weekend Electric/Water $150
Weekend Full Hook Up $200

Frequently Asked Questions  
To Win Amount
Reserved Seating
Sections 205-207 - All Seats Sections 5-10 - Row 14 & Above Sections 12-15 - Row 6 & Above
Type of Grandstand
Bleachers, Chairbacks
Stadium Seating
Stadium seats are allowed as long as they don't conflict with the aisle behind you.
Handicapped Seating
All Handicap seating is the first rows of each section
Handicapped Parking
Handicap parking spots available. All spots are first come first serve.
Pit Age Limit
There is no age restriction in the pits. Anyone 17 years of age or younger will need to fill out a minor waiver form and be accompanied by an adult.
Pit Gate Location
East or West side of the Track.
Personal Coolers
Six-pack maximum cooler size. No alcohol. No glass.
Alcohol Sales
Beer is available for purchase at the track.
Smoking Policy
No smoking in the Grandstands.
Parking Cost
General Parking Free
Camping Availability
Electric Hookup, Non-Electric, Onsite, Sanitary Facility, Showers
Camping Cost

Single Day Dry Camp $30
Single Day Water/Electric $75 (Special Event $80)
Single Day Full Hook Up $100
Weekend Dry Camp $90
Weekend Electric/Water $150
Weekend Full Hook Up $200

Track Info  

Volusia Speedway Park

1500 East State Road 40

Barberville, FL, 32130

Track Phone
(386) 985-4402
Track Size
Track Type
D-shaped oval
Closest Airport
Daytona International Airport
Other Airport
Orlando Sanford
Pit Gate Location
East or West side of the Track.
Track Map
Competitor Info  
Tire Rules

Left Rear & Front Tire: Hoosier (90) NLMT2, (90) NLMT3
Right Rear Tire: Hoosier (92) NLMT2, (92) NLMT3
**Grooving and siping will be allowed**

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