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World of Outlaws Knoxville Nationals
Knoxville Raceway | Knoxville, IA
Friday, August 09, 2024
Feature Results
11015Donny Schatz 250.00024Running90$4,000
2201SLogan Schuchart 25-1.0191Running90$4,000
35+25XJustin Henderson 25-2.832Running90$4,000
46+227AEmerson Axsom 25-3.121Running90$4,000
57+22XLynton Jeffrey 25-6.304Running90$5,000
614+821TCole Macedo 25-7.314Running90$4,000
715+85Spencer Bayston 25-7.689Running90$3,750
813+558Kaleb Johnson 25-8.413Running90$3,500
917+883JRMichael Kofoid 25-10.472Running90$3,250
109-118TTanner Holmes 25-11.953Running90$3,000
114-799Skylar Gee 25-13.668Running90$2,750
1222+109PParker Price-Miller 25-14.000Running90$2,500
1310-319SHunter Schuerenberg 25-14.395Running90$2,400
148-69Kasey Kahne 25-14.699Running90$2,300
1524+948Danny Dietrich 25-14.768Running90$2,200
1611-51CBrenham Crouch 25-15.835Running90$2,100
1720+33GAyrton Gennetten 25-17.113Running90$2,000
1819+155CChris Windom 25-18.015Running90$1,900
1923+422XJ.J. Hickle 25-19.048Running90$1,800
2016-417GPCale Thomas 24-1 LapsRunning90$1,700
2118-324TChristopher Thram 21-4 LapsDNF90$1,600
2221-142Sye Lynch 19-6 LapsDNF90$1,500
2312-1152Blake Hahn 18-7 LapsDNF90$1,400
243-2188Austin McCarl 14-11 LapsDNF90$1,300
KSE Hard Charger: Parker Price-Miller
Last Chance Showdown 1 Results
11055CChris Windom 120.00012Running0$0
25+342Sye Lynch 12-0.875Running0$0
33022XJ.J. Hickle 12-2.264Running0$0
4406BBrandon Wimmer 12-2.910Running0$0
57+291Kyle Reinhardt 12-3.091Running90$500
610+436Jason Martin 12-3.987Running90$400
76-14WJamie Ball 12-5.355Running90$350
812+427BJake Bubak 12-6.052Running90$300
919+105TRyan Timms 12-6.535Running90$300
1011+17SLandon Crawley 12-6.711Running90$300
118-313JTMark Dobmeier 12-7.665Running90$200
1215+324DDanny Sams III12-7.864Running90$200
1317+444Chris Martin 12-8.498Running90$200
1413-11KKelby Watt 12-8.578Running90$200
1520+518RRyan Roberts 12-9.802Running90$200
1616011NKasey Jedrzejek 12-10.584Running90$200
1721+42MRyan Giles 12-10.909Running90$200
1824+695Tyler Drueke 12-11.098Running90$200
1914-53PSawyer Phillips 12-11.702Running90$200
2022+219HJoel Myers 12-11.911Running90$200
2123+223LJimmy Light 12-12.651Running90$200
229-131DTasker Phillips 7-5 LapsDNF90$200
2318-540Clint Garner 3-9 LapsDNF90$200
242-2287Aaron Reutzel 0-12 LapsDNS90$200
Last Chance Showdown 2 Results
1103GAyrton Gennetten 120.00012Running0$0
2209PParker Price-Miller 12-0.757Running0$0
33048Danny Dietrich 12-0.864Running0$0
46+226Zeb Wise 12-1.358Running0$0
54-13Tim Kaeding 12-2.618Running90$500
68+235Zach Hampton 12-4.200Running90$400
712+555Kerry Madsen 12-5.339Running90$350
85-370Kraig Kinser 12-7.130Running90$300
910+11MDon Droud Jr12-8.891Running90$300
1013+315HSam Hafertepe Jr12-10.320Running90$300
1119+822Riley Goodno 12-11.323Running90$200
1217+545XJace Park 12-12.301Running90$200
1315+274Xavier Doney 12-12.829Running90$200
141406WDustin Selvage 12-12.983Running90$200
1516+114TBrooke Tatnell 12-13.906Running90$200
1624+853Jessie Attard 12-15.571Running90$200
1721+414JJack Dover 12-15.841Running90$200
1811-727Carson McCarl 12-16.091Running90$200
1918-188TTanner Thorson 12-16.363Running90$200
2022+215JRCole Mincer 12-16.669Running90$200
2120-13NJake Neuman 11-1 LapsRunning90$200
229-1349XTim Shaffer 9-3 LapsDNF90$200
2323010VBrian Paulus 6-6 LapsDNF90$200
247-1725Daison Pursley 1-11 LapsDNF90$200
C Main Results
16+55TRyan Timms 100.00010Running0$0
22022Riley Goodno 10-4.681Running0$0
33018RRyan Roberts 10-5.627Running90$150
45+13NJake Neuman 109.302Running90$150
58+32MRyan Giles 109.164Running90$150
611+514JJack Dover 109.134Running90$125
712+519HJoel Myers 108.891Running90$125
89+115JRCole Mincer 106.754Running90$125
97-223LJimmy Light 104.579Running90$125
1014+410VBrian Paulus 104.181Running90$125
1119+895Tyler Drueke 103.231Running90$125
1218+653Jessie Attard 102.794Running90$125
1315+21Sammy Swindell 102.399Running90$125
1420+623MLance Moss 10-0.015Running90$125
1516+165Jordan Goldesberry 10-1.492Running90$125
1617+127WWeston Olson 10-2.980Running90$125
1721+49HLandon Hansen 10-7.244Running90$125
1822+428Joe Perry 9-1 LapsRunning90$125
1910-92KKevin Ingle 8-2 LapsRunning90$125
2013-7G5Gage Pulkrabek 7-3 LapsRunning90$125
211-2024Terry McCarl 0-10 LapsDNS90$125
224-18J2John Carney II0-10 LapsDNS90$125
Heat 1 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
12+118TTanner Holmes 80.0007Running
23+12XLynton Jeffrey 8-2.5851Running
34+115Donny Schatz 8-3.194Running
46+255CChris Windom 8-5.740Running
57+26BBrandon Wimmer 8-7.657Running
610+491Kyle Reinhardt 8-8.047Running
79+236Jason Martin 8-8.533Running
811+31KKelby Watt 8-10.013Running
912+311NKasey Jedrzejek 8-11.689Running
105-524Terry McCarl 0-8 LapsDNS
118-355TMcKenna Haase 0-8 LapsDNS
121-1114JJack Dover 0-8 LapsDNS
Heat 2 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
14+388Austin McCarl 80.0008Running
2201CBrenham Crouch 8-0.920Running
31-25Spencer Bayston 8-2.733Running
43-187Aaron Reutzel 8-2.974Running
55042Sye Lynch 8-4.042Running
66013JTMark Dobmeier 8-5.820Running
78+17SLandon Crawley 8-6.066Running
87-13PSawyer Phillips 8-6.908Running
911+244Chris Martin 8-8.501Running
1012+218RRyan Roberts 8-9.598Running
119-223LJimmy Light 0-8 LapsDNF
1210-2G5Gage Pulkrabek 0-8 LapsDNF
Heat 3 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
12+158Kaleb Johnson 80.0008Running
24+25XJustin Henderson 8-0.841Running
35+283JRMichael Kofoid 8-1.740Running
41-322XJ.J. Hickle 8-3.062Running
53-24WJamie Ball 8-4.656Running
69+31DTasker Phillips 8-5.704Running
78+127BJake Bubak 8-5.896Running
86-224DDanny Sams III8-6.134Running
97-240Clint Garner 8-7.888Running
101003NJake Neuman 8-8.638Running
1111015JRCole Mincer 8-9.257Running
121201Sammy Swindell 8-10.861Running
Heat 4 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
13+29Kasey Kahne 80.0008Running
24+21SLogan Schuchart 8-0.222Running
32-152Blake Hahn 8-3.498Running
41-33GAyrton Gennetten 8-4.453Running
58+33Tim Kaeding 8-5.801Running
66025Daison Pursley 8-7.629Running
710+31MDon Droud Jr8-8.660Running
89+115HSam Hafertepe Jr8-9.364Running
912+314TBrooke Tatnell 8-10.612Running
107-322Riley Goodno 8-11.356Running
115-62MRyan Giles 8-12.688Running
1211-110VBrian Paulus 8-13.546Running
Heat 5 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
12+121TCole Macedo 80.0008Running
23+119SHunter Schuerenberg 8-2.782Running
34+199Skylar Gee 8-4.018Running
45+19PParker Price-Miller 8-5.005Running
51-470Kraig Kinser 8-6.113Running
66035Zach Hampton 8-6.927Running
78+127Carson McCarl 8-7.861Running
87-16WDustin Selvage 8-8.962Running
99045XJace Park 8-10.270Running
10100J2John Carney II8-12.823Running
111102KKevin Ingle 8-15.297Running
1212065Jordan Goldesberry 8-16.249Running
Heat 6 Results
Pos.Start+/-#DriverLaps CompletedBehindLaps LedStatus
12+117GPCale Thomas 80.0008Running
21-124TChristopher Thram 8-0.739Running
34+127AEmerson Axsom 8-2.214Running
43-148Danny Dietrich 8-3.894Running
56+126Zeb Wise 8-5.723Running
65-149XTim Shaffer 8-6.315Running
77055Kerry Madsen 8-7.440Running
89+174Xavier Doney 8-8.961Running
98-188TTanner Thorson 8-9.994Running
1012+25TRyan Timms 8-10.520Running
1110-119HJoel Myers 8-11.945Running
1211-153Jessie Attard 8-13.532Running
Qualifying Flight 1 Results
1915Donny Schatz Fargo, ND15.3740.000
2788Austin McCarl Altoona, IA15.434-0.060
3285XJustin Henderson Tea, SD15.611-0.237
4162XLynton Jeffrey Prairie City, IA15.632-0.258
5187Aaron Reutzel Clute, TX15.657-0.283
6234WJamie Ball Knoxville, IA15.678-0.304
71318TTanner Holmes Jacksonville, OR15.703-0.329
821CBrenham Crouch Lubbock, TX15.741-0.367
93158Kaleb Johnson Sioux Falls, SD15.862-0.488
10314JJack Dover Springfield, NE15.874-0.500
1155Spencer Bayston Lebanon, IN15.894-0.520
121922XJ.J. Hickle Quilcene, WA15.897-0.523
133424Terry McCarl Altoona, IA15.903-0.529
142642Sye Lynch Cowansville, PA15.935-0.561
152283JRMichael Kofoid Penngrove, CA15.943-0.569
163855CChris Windom Canton, IL15.992-0.618
172113JTMark Dobmeier Grand Forks, ND15.996-0.622
18824DDanny Sams IIINorth Port, FL16.006-0.632
19106BBrandon Wimmer Fairmount, IN16.039-0.665
20273PSawyer Phillips Pleasantville, IA16.054-0.680
214040Clint Garner Sioux Falls, SD16.059-0.685
223055TMcKenna Haase Des Moines, IA16.075-0.701
23147SLandon Crawley Benton, AR16.081-0.707
241127BJake Bubak Arvada, CO16.085-0.711
25436Jason Martin Lincoln, NE16.108-0.734
263723LJimmy Light Lizton, IN16.116-0.742
27391DTasker Phillips Plesantville, IA16.133-0.759
283691Kyle Reinhardt Neptune City, NJ16.166-0.792
2917G5Gage Pulkrabek East Grand Forks, MN16.184-0.810
30183NJake Neuman New Berlin, IL16.206-0.832
31291KKelby Watt Adel, IA16.209-0.835
322044Chris Martin Ankeny, IA16.224-0.850
333215JRCole Mincer Burlington, IA16.263-0.889
342511NKasey Jedrzejek Lagrange, OH16.332-0.958
352418RRyan Roberts Aurora, NE16.333-0.959
36121Sammy Swindell Germantown, TN16.335-0.961
37627WWeston Olson Warren, MN16.601-1.227
383523MLance Moss Cherryville, NC16.694-1.320
39156Robbie Price Cobble Hill, BC16.048-0.674
403349JJosh Schneiderman West Burlington, IA16.295-0.921
Qualifying Flight 2 Results
181SLogan Schuchart Hanover, PA15.7400.000
2199Skylar Gee Leduc, AB15.901-0.161
33627AEmerson Axsom Franklin, IN15.940-0.200
469Kasey Kahne Enumclaw, WA15.992-0.252
53119SHunter Schuerenberg Sikeston, MO16.017-0.277
6248Danny Dietrich Gettysburg, PA16.028-0.288
73852Blake Hahn Sapulpa, OK16.055-0.315
81621TCole Macedo Lemoore, CA16.057-0.317
93917GPCale Thomas Fairland, IN16.076-0.336
10103GAyrton Gennetten Versailles, MO16.089-0.349
11770Kraig Kinser Bloomington, IN16.130-0.390
121224TChristopher Thram Sanborn, MN16.159-0.419
13222MRyan Giles Grimes, IA16.165-0.425
14379PParker Price-Miller Kokomo, IN16.168-0.428
152449XTim Shaffer Aliquippa, PA16.219-0.479
16425Daison Pursley Locust Grove, OK16.219-0.479
171435Zach Hampton Mooresville, IN16.221-0.481
182726Zeb Wise Angola, IN16.231-0.491
192322Riley Goodno Knoxville, IA16.266-0.526
2036WDustin Selvage Indianola, IA16.288-0.548
213355Kerry Madsen Knoxville, IA16.302-0.562
22293Tim Kaeding San Jose, CA16.331-0.591
233027Carson McCarl Altoona, IA16.386-0.646
242888TTanner Thorson Minden, NV16.390-0.650
253415HSam Hafertepe JrSunnyvale, TX16.420-0.680
262545XJace Park Overland Park, KS16.459-0.719
271374Xavier Doney Odessa, MO16.461-0.721
28191MDon Droud JrLincoln, NE16.486-0.746
2915J2John Carney IIEl Paso, TX16.490-0.750
30919HJoel Myers Sebastopol, CA16.503-0.763
312610VBrian Paulus Mooresville, IN16.531-0.791
32352KKevin Ingle Huron, SD16.566-0.826
331153Jessie Attard Landilo, NSW16.638-0.898
342114TBrooke Tatnell San Souci, NSW16.724-0.984
351765Jordan Goldesberry Springfield, IL16.730-0.990
36205TRyan Timms Oklahoma City, OK16.735-0.995
373295Tyler Drueke Eagle, NE16.889-1.149
3859HLandon Hansen Newton, IA17.016-1.276
391828Joe Perry Billings, MT17.595-1.855
Hot Laps Results
1481SLogan Schuchart Hanover, PA15.3690.000
24248Danny Dietrich Gettysburg, PA15.604-0.235
34199Skylar Gee Leduc, AB15.608-0.239
44040Clint Garner Sioux Falls, SD15.621-0.252
5469Kasey Kahne Enumclaw, WA15.626-0.257
64770Kraig Kinser Bloomington, IN15.664-0.295
73723LJimmy Light Lizton, IN15.667-0.298
87119SHunter Schuerenberg Sikeston, MO15.691-0.322
9234WJamie Ball Knoxville, IA15.725-0.356
102113JTMark Dobmeier Grand Forks, ND15.757-0.388
113424Terry McCarl Altoona, IA15.789-0.420
12285XJustin Henderson Tea, SD15.813-0.444
13291KKelby Watt Adel, IA15.827-0.458
143349JJosh Schneiderman West Burlington, IA15.837-0.468
15273PSawyer Phillips Pleasantville, IA15.838-0.469
16591MDon Droud JrLincoln, NE15.859-0.490
176726Zeb Wise Angola, IN15.861-0.492
18605TRyan Timms Oklahoma City, OK15.889-0.520
194919HJoel Myers Sebastopol, CA15.907-0.538
203055TMcKenna Haase Des Moines, IA15.910-0.541
213158Kaleb Johnson Sioux Falls, SD15.917-0.548
22436WDustin Selvage Indianola, IA15.938-0.569
23503GAyrton Gennetten Versailles, MO15.939-0.570
24779PParker Price-Miller Kokomo, IN15.939-0.570
257355Kerry Madsen Knoxville, IA15.943-0.574
267627AEmerson Axsom Franklin, IN15.950-0.581
27693Tim Kaeding San Jose, CA15.965-0.596
287027Carson McCarl Altoona, IA15.972-0.603
292642Sye Lynch Cowansville, PA15.985-0.616
307415HSam Hafertepe JrSunnyvale, TX16.041-0.672
313691Kyle Reinhardt Neptune City, NJ16.050-0.681
325435Zach Hampton Mooresville, IN16.093-0.724
3355J2John Carney IIEl Paso, TX16.100-0.731
34391DTasker Phillips Plesantville, IA16.112-0.743
351318TTanner Holmes Jacksonville, OR16.157-0.788
36162XLynton Jeffrey Prairie City, IA16.165-0.796
377917GPCale Thomas Fairland, IN16.182-0.813
386545XJace Park Overland Park, KS16.183-0.814
395374Xavier Doney Odessa, MO16.185-0.816
406322Riley Goodno Knoxville, IA16.188-0.819
414425Daison Pursley Locust Grove, OK16.209-0.840
425765Jordan Goldesberry Springfield, IL16.245-0.876
432418RRyan Roberts Aurora, NE16.293-0.924
44622MRyan Giles Grimes, IA16.297-0.928
452044Chris Martin Ankeny, IA16.322-0.953
465224TChristopher Thram Sanborn, MN16.335-0.966
47156Robbie Price Cobble Hill, BC16.336-0.967
481127BJake Bubak Arvada, CO16.357-0.988
492283JRMichael Kofoid Penngrove, CA16.375-1.006
503523MLance Moss Cherryville, NC16.378-1.009
51121Sammy Swindell Germantown, TN16.387-1.018
526449XTim Shaffer Aliquippa, PA16.391-1.022
535621TCole Macedo Lemoore, CA16.403-1.034
54147SLandon Crawley Benton, AR16.435-1.066
556610VBrian Paulus Mooresville, IN16.438-1.069
566888TTanner Thorson Minden, NV16.473-1.104
572511NKasey Jedrzejek Lagrange, OH16.482-1.113
58459HLandon Hansen Newton, IA16.485-1.116
595153Jessie Attard Landilo, NSW16.495-1.126
606114TBrooke Tatnell San Souci, NSW16.517-1.148
61915Donny Schatz Fargo, ND16.551-1.182
621922XJ.J. Hickle Quilcene, WA16.571-1.202
637295Tyler Drueke Eagle, NE16.574-1.205
64824DDanny Sams IIINorth Port, FL16.736-1.367
6521CBrenham Crouch Lubbock, TX16.875-1.506
667852Blake Hahn Sapulpa, OK16.981-1.612
67183NJake Neuman New Berlin, IL17.074-1.705
68752KKevin Ingle Huron, SD17.082-1.713
69106BBrandon Wimmer Fairmount, IN17.127-1.758
7055Spencer Bayston Lebanon, IN17.150-1.781
71436Jason Martin Lincoln, NE17.194-1.825
72187Aaron Reutzel Clute, TX17.297-1.928
73788Austin McCarl Altoona, IA17.347-1.978
74627WWeston Olson Warren, MN17.385-2.016
75314JJack Dover Springfield, NE17.418-2.049
763855CChris Windom Canton, IL17.493-2.124
773215JRCole Mincer Burlington, IA17.497-2.128
785828Joe Perry Billings, MT17.603-2.234
7917G5Gage Pulkrabek East Grand Forks, MN0.00015.369
Event Info  

World of Outlaws Knoxville Nationals

Wednesday, August 7th to Saturday, August 10th

Knoxville Raceway

1000 North Lincoln Street

Knoxville, IA, 50138

Event Description
It's The Granddaddy of 'Em All! The 63rd Knoxville Nationals brings the best of the best to Iowa for this four-day Crown Jewel with a million-dollar purse and Sprint Car immortality available.
Series Racing
World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series
To Win Amount

Event Schedule

8am Knoxville Raceway Ticket Office opens
10am Vendors Open in Fan Zone
10am, 12pm, 1:30pm Fan Forums at National Sprint Car Hall of Fame
11am, 1pm, 3pm Autograph Sessions at National Sprint Car Hall of Fame
Noon Food Vendors Open
2pm Pit Gate Opens
5pm Grandstands Open
7:15pm Hot Laps

*All times Central

Ticket Options  
Ticket Phone
Options And Prices

Single Day tickets for Nationals range from $53 to $60

2-day package range from $103 to $116

3-day package range from $150 to $169

4-day package range from $197 to $222

Grandstand Type

Bench style, metal seats with backrests

Family Section Location

Handicapped Seating Location
Located in the front stretch grandstands. Wheelchairs and scooters seating is available in row 39 (AA & BB) Also is section D, row 1
Pit Age Requirement
Aged 17 and under require parent waivers - Aged 12 and under must remain in vehicle or the fenced in area between turns 1 and 2. All pit fees apply. All ages same price
Parking Cost


Handicapped Parking Location
Behind the front stretch grandstands and behind Dyer-Hudson Hall.
Camping Availability

Electric hookup, non-electric, onsite, sanitary facility, showers, waste services

Camping Cost

Knoxville Nationals camping:
Camping is $200 for all 4 days. A 4-day package is required to stay at the North Campground. Water and electric hookups are available.

Frequently Asked Questions  
To Win Amount
Type of Grandstand

Bench style, metal seats with backrests

Stadium Seating
Foam or other seat cushions are permitted as long as they are not more than 20" wide. Stadiums seats are NOT ALLOWED
Handicapped Seating
Located in the front stretch grandstands. Wheelchairs and scooters seating is available in row 39 (AA & BB) Also is section D, row 1
Handicapped Parking
Behind the front stretch grandstands and behind Dyer-Hudson Hall.
Pit Age Limit
Aged 17 and under require parent waivers - Aged 12 and under must remain in vehicle or the fenced in area between turns 1 and 2. All pit fees apply. All ages same price
Personal Coolers

Soft side, collapsible coolers no bigger than 6-pack size and empty are allowed

Alcohol Sales
Alcohol is available at the track
Smoking Policy
All grandstands are non-smoking. Smoking areas are available underneath stands.
Family Section

Parking Cost


Camping Availability

Electric hookup, non-electric, onsite, sanitary facility, showers, waste services

Camping Cost

Knoxville Nationals camping:
Camping is $200 for all 4 days. A 4-day package is required to stay at the North Campground. Water and electric hookups are available.

Track Info  

Knoxville Raceway

1000 North Lincoln Street

Knoxville, IA, 50138

Track Phone
(641) 842-5431
Ticket Phone
Track Size
Track Type
Semi-banked clay oval
Closest Airport
Des Moines International Airport
Track Map
Competitor Info  

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